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  home  > The Role of Government

The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of the common man."
- Lord William Beveridge (1879-1963)

In America, we often think of being moral and doing "good works" as things we do in our private lives. But if you really think about it, the institutions that do the most "good works" in our society are our local, state, and federal governments. These governments do an enormous amount to feed the hungry, heal the sick, take care of the old, protect the young, and so on. In fact the good created by these governments far exceeds all the good accomplished individuals or private organizations in our society. It is government that has saved millions of lives through public health programs to eradicate diseases, that has fed the hungry and poor, that has drastically reduced poverty among the elderly, and that is saving us all from the widespread suffering and despair caused by economic depressions.

What Democrats Require of Government

The California Democratic Party Blueprint for the Golden State

The California Democratic Party on Political Reform

The White House on Good Government

Relevant Legislation - examples of how government works for you!
  • Global Water Access and Equity Act
  • Employment Non-Discrimination Act
  • Increasing Access to Voluntary Screening for HIV/AIDS and STIs Act of 2011
  • Innovation Inspiration School Grant Program Act
  • Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act of 2011
  • Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011

    News and Opinion
  • Dept. of Agriculture says pink pork is safe to eat
  • The next e. coli outbreak
  • Health care zombies
  • The virtues of investing in transportation

    Talking points on the benefits of government

    The SCCDP Blog: Make your voice heard! Discuss the Issues!


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