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California Democratic Party: Business and Economy - California Democrats are dedicated to a robust economy and business climate that creates jobs and economic opportunity, grows small and large businesses, promotes innovation and entrepreneurship and encourages productivity. We want to ensure that California's economy continues to lead the nation and the world in agriculture, information technology, biotechnology, entertainment and aerospace.

Democrats Take Action to Save the Economy
Economists agree that the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - opposed by virtually every Republican member of Congress - prevented the U.S. economy from slipping into an outright depression. While many argued that the stimulus should have been bigger, there is no doubt that, had we done nothing (as the Republican Party wished) we would have been in much dire straits today.
  • Judging Stimulus by Job Data Reveals Success
  • Stimulus boosted GDP by up to 4.5 percent in 2Q 2010

    The Right to a Job
    Should the government be the employer of last resort, ensuring that all Americans have access to a job? On September 2, 2010, the Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee passed a resolution in support of the concept. Member Herb Engstrom wrote the position paper on the Right to a Job. The paper represents the opinion of the author.

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