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What Democrats Require of Government

Democrats are committed to working for
  • A government maintains a strong national defense while acting diligently to promote peace.
  • A government that makes policies beneficial to all, instead of just those who are already rich.
  • A government that works to protect its citizens by promoting safer and healthier workplaces.
  • A government that ensures a living wage.
  • A government that demands accountability from CEOs.
  • A government that is open to scrutiny and expects its actions to be monitored by its citizens.
  • A government that assists the needy at home and abroad.
  • A government that wants a cleaner environment, promotes renewable and efficient energy sources, and punishes companies that pollute the environment.
  • A government that achieves both a balanced budget and deficit reduction by spending taxpayers' money wisely and sets revenue requirements fairly.
  • A government of representatives that vote for their constituent's needs first rather than those of their lobbyists.
  • A government and its representatives who uphold the rule of law, and strive to protect our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
  • A president who is democratically elected by the majority of Americans.

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