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Clubs & Organizations
Members of these clubs are interested in political issues and are active in endorsing candidates for public office and in their political campaigns. Some clubs are oriented toward specific issues or groups; others draw members from certain geographic areas. Most clubs meet once a month and publish a monthly newsletter. Below is a list of active clubs chartered by the Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee, their orientations, and contacts. Call the President/Chair for specific information about meetings, membership, dues, and activities.
To join one of our clubs or receive information from them about their activities and membership policies, fill out our Club Form.
For more information about which club is right for you, contact our Outreach
Director at clubs AT sccdp.org.
For club members: Download a presentation on Campaign Finance Rules for Clubs.
Democratic Clubs
Bay Area for Change.
A club that grew out the Barack Obama campaign in 2008. Members will continue to advance the
ideas of hope and change that Obama's campaign promoted. Alyson Abramowitz, President, change at sccdp.org.
Bay Area Iranian American Democrats.
Helping Iranian Americans become active in the Democratic Party. Mehrdad Moayedzadeh,
baiad at sccdp.org. www.baiad.org
DAWN (Democratic Activists for Women Now). DAWN is a grassroots democratic organization
working to elect progressive, prochoice women. Noellani Sallings, President, 408-275-6981, dawn at sccdp.org. sccdawn.org
Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley.
The Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley is an alliance in Silicon Valley, California dedicated to the issues brought forth by
Gov. Howard Dean, M.D., his cause and his message of progressive, positive change. dfasv.org, www.dfalink.com/siliconvalley,
Co-Chairs; John Comiskey, Marcene van Dierendonck. Contact deanclub at sccdp.org
Democratic Caucus at San Jose State University.
A club for students at San Jose State University who want to help the Democratic Party. Andrae Macapinlac, President.
Democratic Club of Sunnyvale.
A club for residents of the city of Sunnyvale. We are an active and welcoming
group that promotes progressive, Democratic values and positions. Come join our
activities such as precinct walking, movie night socials and other fun (and serious)
events to build the Democratic political community in Sunnyvale.
East San Jose Democrats.
A club serving the residents of East San Jose. Andres Quintero, President, eastsanjose at sccdp.org,
Mission City Democratic Club.
A club serving members of the city of Santa Clara.
Chris Stampolis, President, mission at sccdp.org, missioncitydemocrats.com.
Peninsula Democratic Coalition.
The largest club in the county, this organization draws its membership from the north county area. This club
plays a critical role in voter registration, precinct organization and operating the north county Democratic
election headquarters. Diane Rolfe, President, 650-949-1009 (club phone), pdc at sccdp.org,
Santa Clara County Democratic Club.
An issue oriented club that is focusing on campaign finance reform and energy independence. This club is
pressing legislators to support effective reform including public financing of elections. The Club also
produces an occasional television program on current issues for posting on the Club website,
www.democraticclub-scc.org, where more
information about the club is available. Aldyth Parle, President, can be reached at president at DemocraticClub-scc.org.
Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club. SVAPADC was founded in 1996 to foster member
participation at all levels of the Democratic Party. Our goals are to unify and
empower the Asian Pacific American (APA) communities; ensure fair
representation of the APA's interests; and educate and promote political participation.
Contact Buu Thai at apa at sccdp.org. The club's homepage is
Silicon Valley Democratic Club.
Formerly known as the Moorpark Democratic, the Silicon Valley Democratic club prides itself in developing a growing and diverse community with an organized and unifying
voice in the political arena. The Club provides a forum for its members to focus, discuss, prioritize positions and promote
important issues to our diverse community. Working together, our members help to elect Democratic candidates
in local, state, and national elections. Margie Mitchell, siliconvalley at sccdp.org. www.svdemclub.org
Silicon Valley Latino Democratic Forum. A venue for local Latinos to become
active in the Democratic Party. Bea Mendez, svldf at sccdp.org. The club's website is www.svldf.com.
Silicon Valley Young Democrats. SVYD serves Democrats under 36 years old from throughout the Silicon Valley. We
provide networking, social, and personal growth opportunities for young
people dedicated to progressive ideals. President: Julie Lind, svyd at sccdp.org. Visit the club's
website at svyd.org.
South County Democratic Club. Another geographic orientation, this time in the south
county Morgan Hill-Gilroy area. President: Alex Kennett, newsletter at garlic.com,
Evergreen Democratic Club at the Villages.
This club limits its membership to Democrats living in the Villages complex in the Evergreen area of
San Jose. Eugenia Murray, President, evergreen at sccdp.org.
West Valley for Change. West Valley for Change Democratic Club
grew out of the grassroots movement in West San Jose to get Barack Obama elected
President in 2008. Since then we have continued to use our hope and energy to affect
change, with research into issues facing our community at the local, state and
national level. Further, we want to get to know our local officials and
candidates for elected office to help legislate change. And we are ready to work for
progressive reform within the Democratic Party. Elaine Coombs, Vice Chair, wv4change AT sccdp.org,
California Democratic Council
The CDC is the official statewide organization of grassroots Democratic
clubs in California. CDC membership is open to any Democratic Club affiliated
with its County Central Committee. AD Committees and Democratic Central
Committees are also eligible to send representatives. A bottom-up
organization, CDC policy is determined by vote of its delegates to its open
Annual Convention and State Board meetings. Members of CDC-affiliated
clubs may join statewide e-mail discussion groups and are also invited to
lobby the State Legislature during our annual Lobby Day. Visit the
CDC website at http://www.cdc-ca.org/.
California Young Democrats
CYD is the official statewide organization of Young Democrats clubs throughout
California, representing Democrats between the ages of 14 and 35. The
organization also includes all the college Democrat clubs as well. Check out their statewide website at
Get more information on a club.

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California Democratic Party
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